Sorry for the little heading there. I'm not sure if a.) I'm doing that right, b.) it'll do what it's supposed to, or c.) if it's going to do anything at all. I don't usually do stuff like that, tag, cross link, whatever. I don't know what I'm doing. If it doesn't work, I'll make it go away.
Anywhooo. So what's up?
Not a whole heck of a lot around here. Still reeling from tax day. But at least it's gorgeous outside which is where I wish I could be but I can't figure out what I can be doing out there as I am sans plants or supplies.

She's been perky lately which is great. I ran out for an hour and when I got home, she greeted me at the door, waggy tail, French Bread Toy in mouth. I saw her in the window first, Hamburger Toy in mouth, wiggling, peeking out because she had heard the garage door. It was so cool. I love that goofy girl. Here she is, pre-surgery, with Hot Dog Chuck. Lookin' good against that Sonata blue paint, yeah?
So yeah, I ran out to pick up some food items which took me dangerously close to Menards. I don't think I've ever been so close and not gone in. I was even doing some crazy rationalizing in my head....well but if I just run in for a gallon of paint, that's no big deal, right? Oh crap, their garden center is open. What if I just walk through and look? I can do that, right? Just look? Right. Somehow I managed to not go in. I almost cried as I drove away, watching it fade in the distance in my rearview mirror. Nooooo. No, I didn't.
I did stop at the new Salvation Army near us and looked at belts as I thought that would make a cool floor for the pantry but not at $2.99 and up per belt. Rats. I did find a great picnic blanket thingie for Hailey to lay on in the yard though. That was great.
But I so wanted to stop at Menards. This little office is starting to take its toll on me. Something needs to be done. It's that same dog vomit yellow color as the stair well. It's super tiny. It's pretty dark, but I guess that isn't really a problem for me as I like unlit. It's cramped. It's crowded. There's too much stuff in here. It's a mishmash and visually distracting. It's always the one room in the house Mike bows out on, where I really unleash creatively since he doesn't come in here much. Although, it is right off the kitchen and living room so I might have to control myself a bit. We'll see.
Here's the room as it was in all its staged glory and using that amazing camera lens. I seriously have no idea how they got a fake blow up twin size bed in here. That closet in the corner isn't really a normal closet either, of course, as it's got an angled wall inside. If only it was normal, it would help my situation as I could tuck the printer in there, all sorts of other stuff on shelves....But alas. That's too much to ask.
My Ikea bookcase hasn't survived several moves (and the flood at the last place) very well and it's missing parts, barely standing up, so I need a new book solution. This shelving idea is super cool and I could do several in varying lengths, maybe even paint them, go nearly up to the ceiling. This would be for the one wall you can't see in the photo above.
I still think this would be a lot of fun, putting Astroturf up on the wall. Menards even has it on sale right now for $0.19 a square foot in a twelve foot width. Sniffle. Twitch.
Normally, and most often, I paint my office in a shade of yellow since it's my favorite color. Since this room is so itty bitty, I was thinking about maybe a shocking shade like this. Or I could branch out and do something like Abigail Ahern's new Bowery Blue. oooOoOoh, what a color, huh? (That with some Astroturf would be fun. You think I'm kidding. I'm not. I know, my taste can run a little eclectic sometimes ((read: terrifies Mike)), and certainly is not for everybody. Go big or go home, I say.) Or, considering how many paint chips I've collected, I could do this, stick 'em to the wall.
Well. No matter how I look at it, this room is a headache. Due to its size and all the copious amounts of crap I surround myself with in it, I should do some research, look at a bazillion images, pin the favs, and formulate a plan. This can't be a willy nilly throw it together type of situation.
I realize I'm doing a lot of talking the talk, not doing much walking the walk around these parts as of late. Maybe today or tomorrow I'll map out some actual things to do so I'm not boring you with "what if's" for much longer.
Love that Bowery Blue! Gorgeous color. The Astro Turf looks cool. You need a huge building to execute all your cool ideas!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's funny, sometimes this house feels too small yet at the same time too big for all I want to do, if that makes sense! That Bowery Blue will be mine somewhere in here, promise.